Location: Makkah Food Store, 346 Ashley Rd, Poole BH14 9DF.
Timetable: Second Saturday of each month.
Time: 10.30 to 12pm.
This session is run by our Ambassador, Millie with help from Harriet, Sarah and Sarah.
Dates for 2025:
- 11th January
- 8th February
- 8th March
- 12th April
- 10th May
- 14th June
- 12th July
- 9th August
- 13th September
- 11th October
- 8th November
- 13th December
Items Collected at this Session:
- Biscuit wrappers (Win on Waste)
- Bank Notes – old British or any Foreign (Transform Trade)
- Coins – old British coinage and Foreign Change (Win on Waste)
- Corks (Dorset Scrapstore)
- Disinfectant wipe packaging (Win on Waste)
- Flexible laundry pod packaging (Win on Waste)
- Keys & Padlocks – Metal Only (Win on Waste)
- Marigold Gloves and packaging (Win on Waste)
- Milk bottle tops (Circular11)
- Plastic air freshener containers, plastic cartridge caps and car air fresheners (Win on Waste)
- Pringles Tubes – Metal Bottoms only please (Win on Waste)
- Printer ink cartridges – inkjet only please, NOT toner (Win on Waste)
- Ring pulls from aluminium drinks cans (Purple Community Fund)
- Used Stamps (Lewis-Manning Hospice Care)
- Wires and Cables – plugs removed please (Win on Waste and Merley Defibrillator)
- Yeo Valley lids with ‘Yeokens’ codes unredeemed (Win on Waste)