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Win on Waste Sessions in October 2023

We’ll be running all of our sessions in October, and we’ll also be launching a new session in Poole at The Spire on Saturday 21st October – full details of what to collect at this session are below.

In October we will be at:

  • 7th October
  • Christchurch, Druitt Hall – 10.00-11.30
  • Hamworthy Library – 10.00-12.30
  • Merley, Lantern Church Hub – 10.15-11.30
  • 14th October
  • Ashley Road, Co-op –10.30-12.00
  • Lytchett Matravers Scout Hut – 10.00-11.30
  • Wimborne Methodist Church Hall – 10.30-12.00 – and join us on the Minster Green afterwards for the Wimborne Green Festival
  • 21st October
  • Corfe Mullen, St Nicholas’ Church – 10.30-11.30
  • Poole, The Spire – 10.30-11.30
  • 28th October
  • Oakdale Library – 10.30-11.30
  • Kinson Library – 10.30-11.30

Click on the poster below to see what each session is collecting this month!

Win on Waste Sessions in September 2023

We’ll be running all of our sessions in September, and we’re also able to give you advance notice that we will be launching a new session in Poole in October. Join us at The Spire on Saturday 21st October – details to follow!

In September we will be at:

  • 2nd September
  • Christchurch, Druitt Hall – 10.00-11.30
  • Hamworthy Library – 10.00-12.30
  • Merley, Lantern Church Hub – 10.15-11.30
  • 9th September
  • Ashley Road, Co-op –10.30-12.00
  • Lytchett Matravers Scout Hut – 10.00-11.30
  • Wimborne Methodist Church Hall – 10.30-12.00
  • 16th September
  • Corfe Mullen, St Nicholas’ Church – 10.30-11.30
  • 23rd September
  • Oakdale Library – 10.30-11.30
  • 30th September
  • Kinson Library – 10.30-11.30

Don’t forget, Upton Library is kindly hosting some collection bins for us – please do drop in when the library is open to find out more.

Check the posters below for the details of what is collected at each session:

Win on Waste Sessions in August 2023

We’ll be running 7 sessions in July, with no session in Oakdale or Wimborne in August – both will be back in September.

  • 5th August
  • Christchurch, Druitt Hall – 10.00-11.30
  • Hamworthy – at Hamworthy Park Fete this month, 11.00am-3.00pm
  • Merley, Lantern Church Hub – 10.15-11.30
  • 12th August
  • Ashley Road, Co-op –10.30-12.00
  • 19th August
  • Corfe Mullen, St Nicholas’ Church – 10.30-11.30
  • 26th August
  • Kinson Library – 10.30-11.30

Check the posters below for the details of what is collected at each session:

Funding Success for Win on Waste!

We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded a grant from the Wessex Water Foundation Environment Fund via Dorset Community Foundation.  

This grant will support our work across East Dorset, both in our current Win on Waste sessions and in launching a new session in central Poole later in the year, allowing us to remove more waste plastic from local landfill and recycling provision and redirect it to charities and organisations that can benefit from it.

The Environment Fund supports charitable and community activities across the region that have a positive impact on the local environment. The fund is part of the Wessex Water Foundation which provides dedicated funding for projects across the Wessex Water region every year.

Win on Waste Sessions in July 2023

We’ll be running 8 sessions in July, with Kinson not running due to the team having a well-earned holiday!

  • 1st July
  • Christchurch, Druitt Hall – 10.00-11.30
  • Hamworthy – at Hamworthy Park Fete this month, 11.00am-3.00pm
  • Merley, Lantern Church Hub – 10.15-11.30
  • 8th July
  • Lytchett Matravers, Scout Hut – 10.00-11.30
  • Ashley Road, Co-op –10.30-12.00
  • Wimborne, Methodist Church Hall – 1.30-12.00
  • 15th July
  • Corfe Mullen, St Nicholas’ Church – 10.30-11.30
  • 22nd July
  • Oakdale Library – 10.30-11.30

Win on Waste Recycling Awards 2023 – Now Open for Nominations!

We’re excited to say that we are holding our Recycling Awards again and this year they coincide with our 10th birthday party celebrations on Saturday 28th October.  A double celebration!

We love our Awards.  We feel it is so important to recognise dedicated recyclers who are giving so much of their time to help the environment. 

We know from running them in the past that there are some incredible local recyclers out there. We’ve been amazed and, in many cases, humbled when we’ve read their nomination forms and seen exactly how much they’ve achieved.

So, talking of nomination forms, we’d love to see lots for our 10th Birthday Recycling Awards.

These are the categories:

  1. Adult recycler (18+)
  2. A team of recyclers from a private/statutory/voluntary organisation (where its main business is  recycling)
  3. A team of recycling volunteers (a group of individuals who come together to recycle)
  4. The No 1 recycler  (a person who has really gone the extra mile)
  5. Young recycler (age 17 and under)
  6. A private/statutory/voluntary organisation whose employees recycle (but not where its main business is recycling)
  7. School or college

To apply,  download our nomination form (in Word or PDF format), complete and either email or post it to us by the closing date of Monday 11 September. 

We’re really looking forward to reading all about the recycling action your nominee is taking to help make the environment a better place.

Microsoft Word Version

PDF Version

Win on Waste Sessions – June 2023

We are running eight sessions in Dorset in June. Our session in Wimborne will NOT be running due to a clash with the Wimborne Folk Festival.

We really appreciate your understanding over our session changes due to the Coronation – we should be back to normal now!!

  • 3rd June
  • Christchurch, Druitt Hall – 10.00-11.30
  • Hamworthy, Hamworthy Library – 10.00-12.00
  • Merley, Lantern Church Hub – 10.15-11.30
  • 10th June
  • Lytchett Matravers, Scout Hut – 10.00-11.30
  • Ashley Road, Co-op –10.30-12.00
  • 17th June
  • Corfe Mullen, St Nicholas’ Church – 10.30-11.30
  • 24th June
  • Oakdale Library – 10.30-11.30
  • Kinson Library – 10.30-11.30

Win on Waste and Medicines Blister Packs

Since 2021, Win on Waste has been working to collect and recycle medicines blister packs, following a pilot programme run by Terracycle.

There was huge interest in this collection locally, which saw Win on Waste deal with over half a tonne of this waste during the course of the collection, which utilised free distribution undertaken by Superdrug and our own funded collections via UK-based company ReWorked.

Unfortunately, our collection is due to come to an end by 30th June, when we reach the end of our funding but many of our donors are still wondering what they can do with their blister packs locally – we can offer the advice below, which is correct at the time or writing.

Disposing of Blister Packs

  • Superdrug – at the time of publication, Superdrug is still offering a collection for medicines blister packs only at their stores which have an instore pharmacy. You can check on their website which stores these are but, in Dorset, we believe these to be Boscombe, Dorchester and Winton. They ask you to phone before you travel as they may have had to temporarily close the collection due to lack of storage. **Update** We have been informed by several people that Superdrug will only accept one small bag of blister packs at a time, and they can no longer accept any packs from community collections.
  • ReWorked – although not a free solution, ReWorked offer a medicines blister pack recycling box for sale. The cost of these boxes includes delivery and collection when full and may be an option for community groups and groups of friends who are committed to recycling the packs.
  • Terracycle – they also offer a medicines packet recycling box, very much along the lines of that offered by ReWorked. **Update** Terracycle is now working with Aldi to offer blister pack recycling to individuals. This involves signing up here and allows you to send a maximum of 2 envelopes/60 blister packs per month.
  • Locally – keep your eyes and ears open locally, as some independent pharmacies, vet surgeries and similar are investing in medicines packet boxes for their customers to use. This is very much on an ad-hoc basis, and we are unable to provide a list of any current locations

Campaigning on Blister Packs

Following our various projects around blister packs, Win on Waste has summarised our processes and findings and has contacted the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, our local MP at our registered address and the local MPs of some of our trustees and volunteers. We have also been in touch with WRAP, as they are a much larger organisation than us, but working in this area. We have heard back from our MPs and WRAP and will keep you updated when we can.

We have also been asked what members of the public can do to raise awareness of this issue and prompt the Government into taking action. You could:

  • Write to your MP on this issue – you can find your MP’s contact details online and get in touch with specific aspects of this issue that you would like them to tackle. Please note: You should only write to your own MP, as other MPs can only help their own constituents.
  • Write to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs or the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs – you can find contact details for this department online, and can write to them directly, again with specific actions you would like to see on this issue.
  • Contact your local council – as recycling solutions do exist for this type of waste, it may be something that your local council could explore as an addition to their current services. Find the contact details of your local council online and write to the waste and recycling team.
  • Sign a petition – one of our Ambassadors, Alex, has started a petition to ask Government to call on the pharmaceutical companies to take responsibility for their medicines packet waste, and to make positive changes to their packaging which will make it easier to responsibly recycle – you can help by signing and sharing the petition.

Unfortunately, the news on blister packs is not positive overall, but Win on Waste has been encouraged by the number of people actively looking to responsibly dispose of medicines packet waste. We will update where we can with more information as the situation changes, but please do get in touch with us if you spot anything new around blister pack recycling in your area.

Win on Waste Sessions In May 2023

We are running eight sessions in Dorset in May, due to changes around the Coronation pushing our Hamworthy session to Saturday 29th April – see the posters below for full information on where and when these sessions take place, and their lists of collected items, as these list can differ between sessions.

Also due to the Coronation on 6th May, we will be moving some of our sessions in this first weekend of May and our Merley and Christchurch sessions will move later on in May (13th and 20th respectively).

Thank you for your understanding!

  • 6th May
  • 13th May
  • Lytchett Matravers, Scout Hut – 10.00-11.30
  • Merley, Lantern Church Hub – 10.15-11.30
  • Ashley Road, Co-op –10.30-12.00
  • Wimborne Methodist Church Hall – 10.30-12.00
  • 20th May
  • Corfe Mullen, St Nicholas’ Church – 10.30-11.30
  • Christchurch, Druitt Hall – 10.00-11.30
  • 27th May
  • Oakdale Library – 10.30-11.30
  • Kinson Library – 10.30-11.30

Win on Waste Sessions in April

We are running our full nine sessions in Dorset in April – see the posters below for full information on where and when these sessions take place, and their lists of collected items, as these list can differ between sessions.

Alongside this, due to the Coronation on 6th May, we will be moving some of our sessions in this first weekend of May and our Hamworthy session will now run on Saturday April 29th. Our Merley and Christchurch sessions will move later on in May, and we will advise in due course.

  • 1st April
  • Christchurch, Druitt Hall – 10.00-11.30
  • Hamworthy Library – 10.00-12.00
  • Merley, Lantern Church – 10.15-11.30
  • 8th April
  • Lytchett Matravers, Scout Hut – 10.00-11.30
  • Ashley Road, Co-op –10.30-12.00
  • Wimborne Methodist Church Hall – 10.30-12.00
  • 15th April
  • Corfe Mullen, St Nicholas’ Church – 10.30-11.30
  • 22nd April
  • Oakdale Library – 10.30-11.30
  • 29th April
  • Kinson Library – 10.30-11.30
  • Hamworthy Library – 10.00-12.00
  • Session Information